The BIVIUS application is an easy-to-use tool for analyzing the pressure/depth data generated by pressure test equipment at the well site. The application is packed full of functions to make your workload easier and is a simple, but effective, alternative to using a spreadsheet.
Main features:
-Models both single and multiple wells in both deviated and vertical formats
-Secondary depth track for displaying measured depths in deviated wells
-Easy manual data loading or importing of bulk files from Excel, ASCII, etc.
-Calculates TVD data by importing survey data
-Stores all the data generated by the wireline operator in Bivius specific files
-Automatically imports .grd files, with original lines, comments and graphics, etc.
-Creates individual design templates for specific fields or areas of operation
-Automated and manual line generation and gradient calculations
-Data filters for removing or 'shutting off' unwanted data points
-Imports and displays temperature and mud data
-Create mobility diagrams with colour coded data points based on mobility values
-Colour code the data points to show formation fluid types (i.e. red for oil, green for gas or blue for water)
-Import and display any type of reference curve (resistivity, gamma, etc.) for QC'ing the data points
-Create lithology diagrams for the test section's, plus formation markers
-Display the 'pressure build-up' graph for each data point (from MDT or RCI type tools)
-Fully automated auditing system that records all the data changes
-High quality 'management ready' graphical output
-Charts export to Bitmaps, JPEG, PDF, Metafiles, etc. etc.
-Optional custom designed database in both Access and Oracle environments
-Windows MDI functionality for viewing multiple charts
-Standalone version are available with or without dongles. Network versions do not require dongles (security keys).